"For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." John 13:15
To me this verse has always been taught one way. "Serve others." That is very true, but a couple weeks ago up on a retreat I caught something with the help of our discussion leader.
Because we were going over Jesus washing the disciples feet, it was mentioned to have us wash each others feet. Immediately I thought to myself "I'm leaving. I would wash everyone's feet, but I don't want mine done!" At the same time A.J mentioned that if we couldn't stand the idea of having our feet washed that we may be prideful, and not allowing Jesus to serve us.
Wait. What? Jesus serving us? That was when it occurred to me. "...as I have done to you." I realized in that moment, that I am so quick to serve, but I never allow Jesus to just serve me.
"What does you serving me look like Jesus." I didn't get some quick answer, but a scripture came to mind.
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
That was my answer. In me trusting in God (the weekend we focused on faith), and allowing Him to give me rest, I was allowing God to serve me. I had to learn to stop doing everything myself, and instead sit there and allow God to do it for me.
Don't get me wrong. Some things we are called to action. We cannot become foolish and lazy, however there are some things that only God was made to do. In my case I have a broken heart. I cannot heal it on my own, no matter how hard I try. I can, however, rest in Jesus's arms and allow Him to take these broken pieces and start putting them back together. It is not easy for me to be still, but sometimes in my quiet times with God, He allows me to sleep instead of study. He knows what I need and he is faithful to provide it.
I have been called to act in my healing too, although that is for another post, and while it sometimes takes me a while, I know I must be faithful in that too. You just have to learn when the right time to work is, and when you are called to pause and let Jesus do the serving.
Amazing post thanks! It's really helpful!