Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Glimpse at Love

"Daughter, I love you.  Remember, I chose you before time began.  I delight in you.  But, I love you too much to leave you where you are at.  My daughter, I don't want to see you in pain.  Every tear you have cried, I hold in my hands.  You are so precious to me, and I want to redeem you.  Lean into me through thick and think; I won't leave you.  I am forming you in my image, and I will not abandon you in this."

       "You are not defined by anything in this world.  I have willingly paid the ultimate price.  You are mine, and mine alone."

        You are not ordinary, but a royal priesthood, a holy nation.  You have been brought into the light, to be stars for God.  He has called you to do things only you can do.  (This is actually from Levi Lusko’s Microphone series)

       This may all seem ordinary teachings about God, but how ordinary are they when they are spoken directly to you from God.  I honestly do not have the words to describe the experience I had, but I can tell you this.  After God spoke to me, He poured out His love to the point that me senses were overwhelmed.  Love and peace took over my body, and I was left breathless with tears in my eyes, but that isn't the amazing part.  The part that I marvel over today, outside of the amount of love that was poured out upon me, was how my soul reacted. 
       As God poured out His love to me, my soul started praising.  It came into complete submission to God, and sang glory to God, in a way that was not known to me.  My lips couldn't form words; physically I had been incapacitated.  As my senses came back to me, my soul continued to praise.  My brain couldn't make sense of that kind of love, so my soul praised more. 
       It reminded me of Revelations.  Specifically, the one I found being Revelations 5:12-13

12saying with a loud voice:
       "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
        To receive power and riches and wisdom,
        And strength and honor and glory and blessing!"     
 13And every creature which is in heave and on earth, and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:
       "Blessing and honor and glory and power
        Be to Him who sits on the throne,
       And to the Lamb, forever and ever!"

       When I came back to my senses, God whispered to me again,
       “This is only a glimpse of my love for you.  This is only a glimpse of the love I hold for all my children.” 
       I hear God speak to me all the time, but this was that times infinity.  All I can do is sit is marvel, I can’t comprehend that kind of love, because it is so far beyond my human capacity.  The closest I can come is to say that my love for my family, compared to God’s love for me, is the compassion I would show to an acquaintance.  Definitely there, but small compared to those I am invested in. 
       And I’ll just be honest, I don’t feel worthy in the slightest to have felt this.  And only through Christ’s blood can I become worthy, but I am so beyond thankful for this opportunity God gave me.  I have been blessed, and I wish more than anything that everyone could experience this glimpse of love. 
                The take away is that God loves us truly more than we can imagine.  We don’t deserve it, but that is why He sent His son for us, but not only that, but Christ willingly laid it down for us.  He couldn’t stand the thought of being separated from you.  You are that precious to Him.

This is a bit different than my other posts, because this was not taught to me like the other lessons.  I have never had God communicate to my this way, and I probably never will again. It was a true revelation that He gave me, both to help heal my soul, and to share with others.  I had another lesson planned to post, but I wanted this to be shown instead.  

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