3And I heard a loud voice from the
throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will
dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among
them, 4and He will wipe away every tear
from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be
any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away." 5And He who sits on the throne said,
"Behold, I am making all things new." And He said, "Write, for
these words are faithful and true."…”
Revelations 21:3-5
I’m just going to be
completely honest. I think about these
words a LOT. I look back to Jesus
telling us that we will have trouble in this life (John 16:33) and I realize
God needed to tell us that one day it would all be gone. Can you imagine trying to get through this
life without that promise? I can’t.
I am coming up on a one
year anniversary. I’ve realized in that
just how much pain that I thought I had gotten rid of is still actually there,
just buried deep enough that it doesn’t affect me all day every day anymore. But it still hurts. I read “no longer be any mourning, or crying
or pain;…” and I find my hope. I find my
reason to continue on in life. Even if I
have to face more hardship.
Revelations 21 is one
of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It
is John’s vision of Heaven. That day is
coming soon, but so often we get caught up in time. God is outside of time, which means He isn’t
a part of our schedule. But, His
intentions are clear. He desires to give
us Paradise.
“Fear not, little flock, for it is
your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.
God’s promises never fail. We, as incompetent beings, can derail God’s
plans temporarily because He has given us free will, but sin will NEVER have
the final say. Pain won’t either. It may seem that way right now, but God will
ALWAYS have the final say!
So what do we do right now? How do we handle the very real trials and
pain that we face? The constant attacks
from the enemy? We let God lead and
comfort. We keep truth in our hearts,
and we worship God knowing that nothing is ever out of His control. “Oops” is not in God’s vocabulary. He didn’t look down and say “Oh crap! I
wasn’t expecting that.” He knows, and He
is ready to help you through whatever it is you are going through. But, you have to let Him.
You see, God is a gentleman. He lets you choose to let Him do the work, or
continue down your own path. But how do
you let Him? Read your Bible. Pray. Worship
(my personal favorite). Learn to say
“God I don’t know what is going on, but I am going to trust You” and then DO
IT. Stop trying so hard. None of this is going to come through your
own strength. Let God carry you!
I heard something the other day (I
don’t remember where, so I can’t give proper credit) “God shelters us beneath His wings, but
beneath those wings we see shadows.”
It’s okay to see the shadows.
It’s okay to have initial fear.
It’s not okay to let that stop you.
Give God two months. Give Him all
control and see where that takes you. I
don’t mean for you to sit around and do nothing, but be active in the will of
God and with His Spirit.
Amen!! Very well said!