Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Outreach

Just be warned this article has NOT been proofread yet.  I wanted to post it tonight, but it is late and I need sleep.  I will edit it later (hopefully).  If not, well hopefully you can look past those errors :)

Wow...what a crazy weekend I had.  Ended up going to a small community in Oregon and letting God bring the house (theater) down.  Also never realized how even weekend mission trips can open up your eyes about yourself.  Saturday I got to really see who I am in Christ.  That girl is amazing.  Seriously, I would’ve never guessed it was me.  Then Saturday night I let my guard in and the enemy almost destroyed everything. 
Today, I am exhausted.  This outreach was physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally draining.  In 2 nights I got just over 5hrs of interrupted sleep (and we should mention only a half hour of that was Friday night).  When the enemy got to me I disrespected people and I felt terrible.  I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was never going to actually be the person God intended.  I was being convicted by God, but I quickly took the condemnation from satan.
And in all honesty, I was going to leave all the ministry I was in after tonight.  Pull away.  Say adios.  I wasn’t going to go to Bible study anymore.  I felt like I just was so unworthy, so dirty.  Thankfully, God doesn’t give up that easy.  Instead, while we were in pre-service prayer our pastor started talking about how there was someone in our group (aka me, and I think he knew it was me, just wasn’t going to call me out in a group like that) was holding back from Jesus.  Had unbelief in their heart, and that he was laying prayers, words of wisdom, and songs on their heart but they would refuse to speak.  I just started crying. 
Worship was almost no different with me sobbing through it, and then the sermon was on the exact same thing my pastor had talked about in our prayer, except I should add it was not my pastor that spoke tonight.  It was another pastor on staff.  Yeah, very convicting.
So this is what I’m walking away with.  God gives each of us a new identity when we come to Christ, but it’s our choice to accept it.  Just like anything else He will not force us.  But here is the thing to remember.  Where God is calling you, is not just for you, it’s for those around you.  To bless other people.  Feelings of unworthiness, hopelessness, and uselessness are of the enemy.  Don’t let obstacles get in the way.  Stop making excuses.  The whole “Well ______ happened so I am just this way” is not valid for a Christ follower because you have been make a new creation. 
My prayer right now is so simple.  “Lord, help my unbelief.”  Maybe we need to stop, cry out to God, and get ourselves in the Living Word of God so that we can grow.  We can gain a new perspective, one that will lead us to the victory Christ has already attained for us. 
The girl I met this weekend (me in Christ) is a beautiful person.  She’s strong, confident, bold, a leader, playful, and wise.  She jokes around in her free time, and she’s got a beautiful smile.  She reflects Jesus.  I speak about her in 3rd person because I don’t see her as me yet.  Me without Christ is the exact opposite of everything I just described.  But that is where the beauty is.  As I cry out to God my prayer of “Lord, help my unbelief” I will slowly achieve her through the power of Christ. 

“You make beautiful things.  You make beautiful things out of dust.  You make beautiful things.  You make beautiful things out of us.” 


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