Thursday, May 22, 2014

Broken Pieces

So the one thing I rarely do is share my extra writing I do on the side.  However, I wanted to share this poem anyway :)

I call out to you Lord,
Where have you been?
My soul is broken and I can’t find any of the pieces.
People have told me that I am worthless,
They have shown me that they don’t care,
I have been treated like an object,
Were You even there?
I sit here crying,
God, I can’t find peace.
I’m hurt beyond words,
Yet, You say “Come to Me.”
God, I want to know You better.
There has to be a way to understand,
That everything I went through,
You have greater plans.
So I call out saying,
“God fix this broken mess.”
I know You are Sovereign,
I know You promise so much more than this,
So I will choose to say “Yes.”
Even when things go amiss.
I don’t know where I’m going,
I cannot see what tomorrow brings.
But I know You are faithful,
So I will choose to sing.
God, I don’t have all the pieces,
Teach me to look inside.
To see what is broken,
And all that Satan tried to hide.
Teach me to let go,
And let You catch me if I fall.
I know in my strength I fail,
But in Yours I stand tall.
I love You God,
Please hold me close.
Teach me Your ways,
And protect me from foes.
I can see now,
That as painful as it has been.
Regardless of the past,
You always win.
You have my heart Jesus,
Please keep it safe.
It’s been torn to pieces,
But now it’s in the right place. 

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