Monday, August 18, 2014


"It was common in the Bible for people to wait 40 days or even 40+years for the plans God had shown them to actually work out.  These days we can hardly last 40hrs." 

     My pastor said this last night during his sermon and it really caught my attention.  Just like he had mentioned, I tend to get glimpses of what God's plans are for my life, but the road to get there is never what I expected it to be.  I get frustrated and just want to give up whenever things aren't going fast enough, are not pleasant, or I just don't see the logic behind certain things.  And it got me thinking.  How many times do we end up passing up the blessings God is willing to give us because we aren't willing to trust Him and go the road that He has provided for us?  How often to do we let our feelings control our actions? 
     In reality, we are called to something much higher then this world.  We are to be like Christ as much as we can, and when we do not walk the road that God has paved for us, we are not setting the example of Christ.  The thing we have to remember though is that God is gracious enough to let us go that other way, to go against what He has planned for us.  He doesn't force us to do anything.  But the whole time He will be calling you back, drawing you in with chords of love.  And when you turn to Him you will see, that it is only then you are free. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.  

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